Natural Hygiene Clinic
Natural Hygiene is not a system of medicines, herbal remedies or any of the therapeutic arts which claim to cure disease by a certain prescription. We believe only the body holds the curing power, if properly understood and wisely directed.
All acute diseases are bodily efforts to remove obstructions from the internal domain, speedup the circulation and restore the metabolism- amelioration.
In chronic diseases, the body is unable to perform the healing function for acute crises because the nerve energy is depleted from constant abuse of unnatural privileges (over eating, wrong eating, coffee, alcohol, tobacco or taking palliative drugs and other habitual toxic stimulants) to silence discomfort.
Our task is to find out where human nature has been violated, through diagnosis we then explain and assist the patient in correcting these violations in order to become well and remain well.
There is no disease without cause and the cause is closely related to the remedy.
At the clinic we will provide you with nutritional guidance and knowledge to assist you on your journey to natural health which will open your mind and soul to a new free happier beginning.
True Therapy
Is correct eating, good care of the body and a sane well-balanced mind.
Knowledge that will help mankind enjoy health and save them from drivelling senility or early death.
None, but the misinformed will go about seeking palliative cures (symptom suppressing drugs).
Cures, like salvation, spring from within and not from without.
Knowledge and understanding is the only true cure for all physical and mental illnesses.