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The Clinic is run by Dr. D. Karalis with the aim to enlighten, support and guide mankind to a healthy and happier life. No matter how sick you are, nature always wants to save you as there is always an abundance of healing power within your body. If you take one step towards nature – nature will run towards you. When you book into the Natural Hygiene Clinic you will be instructed and assisted in what to do and within a few weeks of adhering faithfully to our program you can eliminate any acute disease entirely as well as all of the chronic ailments.

You can turn back the clock by ten years or more and feel very alive and youthful. There will be an increase of enjoyment in every pleasurable function of living as well as an improvement in the appearance of the eyes, skin and hair with all of these taking on a new lustre. You will walk with a light springy step, elevated chest and a sense of wellbeing that comes only when supreme health returns.

Give us just a short bit of time in your unhappy life and we will give you years of happier and joyful days in return. Upon the return of perfect physical health there will be an improvement in your mental health as well. Your memory will be sharp followed with keen judgment and well balanced concentration, you will take on a new lease of life and best of all there will be a total absence of tiredness.

All therapies at our clinic are done by a natural detoxing method without drugs and other unnatural methods. This restores the immune system and enables the previously handicapped body to function normally again. The clinic is located in a peaceful and serene area with private rooms each with its own bathroom, landscaped gardens surrounded by mountains overlooking the ocean providing the best in tranquil surroundings.

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